Eliminate Rosacea With Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Over 14 million Americans struggle with Rosacea, a skin condition that causes red patches on the face (and other parts of the body). This condition can be chronic, coming and going with environmental triggers such as sun exposure, temperature change, or even alcohol consumption. While the exact cause is unknown, we do have treatment options available that can eliminate the redness and even out your skin tone. Rosacea responds well to laser treatment with the BBL Forever Young™.
Why Choose BBL Forever Young™ For Rosacea?
This laser treatment uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to improve the appearance of your skin. IPL treatments are the gold standard for tackling hyperpigmentation and redness – like Rosacea. During treatment, the laser delivers precise pulses of energy to the skin, which penetrates the epidermis and dermis. Specifically, it targets pigmented areas like sun damage, age spots, and redness. The laser energy heats broken blood vessels which are then eliminated through the body’s waste system. In addition, your body begins to produce collagen and elastin in response. For anyone struggling with redness and hyperpigmentation, this treatment is truly life-changing!
Quick Treatments, No Downtime
Many people are surprised to learn that you can get dramatic results from BBL without the downtime of harsher treatments. Sessions are typically just 15-30 minutes and are generally painless. Any mild redness or swelling from treatment dissipates in about 24 hours. We typically recommend 3-5 treatments for complete results, but many people notice an improvement in their skin in just a few weeks after their session!
BBL – Not Just For The Face
Unlike some other laser treatments, the BBL Forever Young™ can be used on other parts of the body aside from the face. Conditions like Rosacea often affect the neck and chest, and those areas can be treated as well.
To learn more about this treatment and if it could be right for you, schedule a consultation with us.