urinary incontinence

Emsella Treatments For Urinary Incontinence

Did you know 1 in 3 women will experience a pelvic floor disorder? That may surprise you, since we find that women are often embarrassed to talk about these issues, even with a trusted provider. If you’re suffering from pelvic floor issues, you’re not alone. What’s more, there’s help. With new treatments from Emsella, you can experience relief from symptoms like urinary incontinence.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

Many factors contribute to a weakened pelvic floor, which ultimately can result in several types of urinary incontinence. Aging, hormonal changes (menopause), and childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor muscles which diminishes bladder and bowel control. Because of embarrassment or shame, many women hide their discomfort for years, opting to wear pads just in case. It’s important to know that pelvic floor weakness should be taken seriously and that you don’t have to live with it.

Emsella Works To Strengthen The Pelvic Floor

Emsella treatments are FDA-approved to treat urinary incontinence. The revolutionary technology uses non-invasive High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to stimulate deep muscle contractions. This type of muscle stimulation is unlike anything you could do yourself, for example, in the form of kegals. In fact, just one 30-minute treatment would be like doing over 10,000 kegals! Generally, most people need a series of treatment sessions to get the most benefit, however it’s not uncommon to have significant improvement in symptoms after just one session.

Non-Invasive, No Down Time

It may sound too good to be true, but Emsella treatments are non-invasive. You don’t even need to undress! You simply sit on the Emsella chair and let the tech do the work. After your session, there’s no downtime or recovery time.

To learn more about treatments with Emsella, schedule a consultation with us. We can discuss the treatment and if you might be a good candidate.

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